The Ballentines in Tennessee

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weight Loss!!

Some of you may know that I have been trying to lose weight. I actually have lost about 10 lbs since the beginning of may!! Yeah me!! There will be no pics of me on here until I lose the rest of the weight that I am attempting to get rid of. Some people have said that they can tell a difference already in the way that I look but I can't. Some of my clothes feel a little bigger but I may be halucinating! I think that some of the weight loss can be due to the fun I have been having with my Wii Fit! Oh well, wish me luck!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Julie is trying to get the hang of the slide. Shelby thought that it would be fun to slide down while her little sister was trying to go up. Of course Julia got slammed off the slide. I thought that it was kind of funny though!

We have had some really decent weather lately so the girls have been able to play outside alot. Shelby wanted to ride her bike so Julia decided to get the other bike and be like her big sissy. It was adorable.

Sweet and Innocent

They fell asleep on the couch together Sunday morning. They look so sweet. And then Jay woke up and the illusion ended. Ha Ha!

Mini Me

Like father like daughter. The cows across the street must have been doing something very interesting that day. Look closely at the matching poses. Too cute!

Share With Me Daddy!

Julie teaching her daddy how to share the cheddar popcorn. You just have to sit on him and make him pay attention to you!

Let Them Eat Dirt!

I have heard it said that if children eat a little dirt every now and then it is healthy and will bulid immune systems. Well, mine must have the best immune systems in the world. Well, Shelby didn't actually eat any it just looks like she did. Julie was the only one who wanted to experiment and find out what mommy's new flower bed dirt tasted like. Oh well, it was clean dirt!

Update On Julie

Julie went to see the surgeon on Wednesday. We got great news. The lump is not anything that will require surgery! Yea! It is actually a fat pocket. What the heck?! You hear something new every day. It is just a pocket of fat that formed in her belly that will flatten out and/or dissolve on its own as she grows. For now she is still Lumpy!